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A weekly breakdown featuring the stupidest crimes of the week, committed by everyday idiots.

Mike and co-host Brooks Wheelan also discuss power moves in the world of food, sports, music, and share tales of questionable behavior from themselves and listeners.

Subscribe for a better life.

Sep 24, 2020

A 5th grader is asked to remove his Hooter’s mask at school, a Detroit guy jumps a bridge like The Dukes of Hazzard, and an Oregon genius shoots himself in the dick at the grocery store. 

Support the show:

Instagram: powermovespodcast

Twitter: @Dadboner

Brought to you...

Sep 17, 2020

Red Lobster Dew Garita press release by Karl Welzein, a dentist goes to prison for pulling teeth on a hoverboard, and karma comes for a man at McDonald's.

Support the show:

Instagram: powermovespodcast

Twitter: @pizzanachos69 @dadboner

Power Grooves: Open Your Eyes by Bobby Caldwell,...

Sep 10, 2020

Gnarly is back in the house as we safely record distanced and al fresco. A woman thinks she cooked a guy's dick, Taco Bell Mexican Pizza is 86'd, and boneless chicken wing guy update. Let's go.

Patreon K-Money Club

Insta: powermovespodcast

Power Grooves: Don't Wanna Fall in Love by Jane Child. I Want You by Concrete...

Sep 3, 2020

A man wants boneless buffalo wings cancelled, a grossout goes through the Taco Bell drive thru butt naked, and a Florida woman tries to trade oral sex to a cop for a JUUL e-cigarette.

Riley Gale Tribute Shirts: Doyersfoo on Insta

Insta: powermovespodcast

Power Grooves: Roll Me Away...