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A weekly breakdown featuring the stupidest crimes of the week, committed by everyday idiots.

Mike and co-host Brooks Wheelan also discuss power moves in the world of food, sports, music, and share tales of questionable behavior from themselves and listeners.

Subscribe for a better life.

Dec 24, 2020

Burns reads Gnarly the final chapter of Power Moves: Livin' the American Dream, USA Style, detailing Karl Welzein's epic Christmas tale from 2011. Put on a cozy sweater and snuggle up by the fire with a beverage of your choice. Rated PG-13.

Patreon Bonus Content:

Happy Holidays! Bless...

Dec 17, 2020

People in Wisconsin eat raw hamburger sandwiches, a man robs Mickey D's for food with a chainsaw, a drunk Florida psycho drives around with an AR-15 out the window, an ex-cop wails on a repairman for false voter fraud, and a guy tries to get a ride home on an airplane wing.

Instagram: powermovespodcast


Dec 10, 2020

Meth biker shoots himself and gets hit by a car, a Florida drunk goes full Rick James bitch, a criminal named Bud Light Mike is in further legal troubles, and we do 2 wild listener stories from the Pmail bag THAT YOU WON’T WANT YOUR CHILDREN IN THE ROOM FOR.

The Power Moves Secret Patreon Stash. Cheap!


Dec 3, 2020

A man is murdered for sticking his fingers in the Thanksgiving leftovers, the Sex Pistols lead singer gets his peener bit up by squirrel fleas, an Amish guy has carnal relations with a horse, 41 people get Covid at a swinger’s convention, and a homophobic law maker gets busted at a gay orgy.

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