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A weekly breakdown featuring the stupidest crimes of the week, committed by everyday idiots.

Mike and co-host Brooks Wheelan also discuss power moves in the world of food, sports, music, and share tales of questionable behavior from themselves and listeners.

Subscribe for a better life.

Mar 31, 2023

Your old pal Brooks checks in with the program to talk about almost blowing himself up along with a 4 million dollar cabin while trapped in a recent mountain blizzard.


Check out the new episode of Karl's Cards featuring Karl4Real

Mar 16, 2023

Comedian and dear friend CJ Sullivan joins the show to discuss his squirrel problem, child care, March Madness, and other stuff. Listen to him on "Bottom Line Bombs" and "Blackout Diaries" anywhere you can listen to a podcast.

Note: Patreon will be delayed a day so we can bring you an episode of "Karl's Cards" featuring...

Mar 9, 2023

I return from the south to the loving arms of Saginaw, Michigan and Power Moves. Brido joins for a beautiful reunion and brotherly reflection. 

Bless you Daddies. Enjoy!

Bonus content with details of Brido and I being real disaster people