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A weekly breakdown featuring the stupidest crimes of the week, committed by everyday idiots.

Mike and co-host Brooks Wheelan also discuss power moves in the world of food, sports, music, and share tales of questionable behavior from themselves and listeners.

Subscribe for a better life.

Sep 28, 2023

Mike Bridenstine and have a candid conversation aboout behind the scenes comedy and complications from his new book I'm in a bunch, available now:

The Perfect Amount of Wrong: The Rise of Alt Comedy on Chicago's North Side

New K4RDS on Friday!

-Bless you...

Sep 15, 2023

And we're back. Missed us? Hope you had a neat summer. Brido has been busy workshopping some new questionable catchphrases.

Please enjoy this brand new episode featuring your favorite two professional knuckleheads saying a bunch of crap they probably shouldn't. Thanks for ridin'.

Happy Friday to ya, you guys.
